Mallory Stevens

American author. I know very little about her, except that she has written one pony book and a teen romance. There is a rumour that Mallory Stevens may be the same person as Virginia Vail, but I am trying to confirm this. Her pony story is aimed at teens but is superior to a lot of that ilk, there is little about boys, looking good or winning prizes, instead it's all about the relationship between girl and horse.

Horse & Pony Books:

aka MY FAVOURITE COLT (UK Rosettes series edition)
(1st UK edition HODDER & STOUGHTON 1994)
Reprinted by Stabenfeldt/Pony in hardback.
Published in the UK by Hodder in paperback as part of the Rosettes series and also
EDITIONS PICTURED: Stabenfeldt hardback, Rosettes series paperback.
SUMMARY: There is a tradition at the throughbred stud owned by Chrissie's father that whenever a child of the family turns 13 they will be given a foal to raise and look after until its sold at the yearling auction. When Chrissie's favourite mare gives birth to a gorgeous foal she is sure that will be the foal she is given on her birthday. But when the big day comes she is instead assigned the first Anglo Arab foal to be born on the stud. Compared to the thoroughbreds he seems awkward looking and clumsy, and heartbroken at not being assigned to her favourite colt, she names him Klutz. At first she doesn't care at all for the strange looking colt, but soon she begins to find his comic ways endearing and finds herself falling in love with him. But the yearling auction is can she bear to part with her beloved Klutz?

Collector's Info:
The paperback editions are easy to find in both UK and USA. The hardback reprint edition is slightly harder.